Monday, July 2, 2012

Poetry with JD - The Better Side

The Better Side

I wish to be on the better side
Where grass is green and nature needs no guide
Where the good people wait
Where no one weeps at the sight of his fate

How can I get there?
When vines are all around,
And all I know,
Is crushed to the ground?

I wish to be on that better side
Where light is strong and darkness will hide
Where my path cannot go
To the shore I'll never know

I can smell the beauty
And hear the voices
The angels singing
Saying unchoosable choices

I need to be on that better side
Where strong things grow and nothing has died
Where I can lay to rest
After being my best

I see out there that better side
The way i found, in you I'll confide
Find what you love, and do it everyday
That is, and will be the only way.

I have made it to the better side
Where grass is green and nature needs no guide
Where the good people wait
Where no one weeps at the sight of his fate

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Camping with JD - Part 6

The water in the Youghagany River is FREEZING! I swear, if it wasn't a river, it would be an ice block. Now, the reason I know the state of the water in the Youghagany River is because... That right you guessed it! I went camping in the Ohiopyle campground this past weekend. On this trip, I faced the enemy that three years ago tore pretty much halve of my face off,

Poetry with JD - The Trees

The forest lies in rest
Silence wafting like fog
Hiding trees and concealing logs

It sweeps over me
A sends me to reprieve
Where something happened you'll never believe

The trees whispered to me
Told of all the thing they've learned
Of time, of life, of the feeling of being burned

I just lay there, quietly
Hearing every word they spoke
Till I filled with wisdom from willow and oak

The lessons I was taught
Were teachings we had lost
Like trees lose leaves with frost

But I'll never forget them
As long as I shall live
Sharing all I have to give

There is not way to say it
In our mortal speech
But in the voice of a smooth barked beech

But what I know now
Is to always try to grow
And forget to do so

Plants your roots deep
But climb towards the sky
Up to the sun on high

Branch out far and wide
Spread your shade for others to rest
Make limbs strong for birds to nest

I give this now to you
The one who reads my words
So that you might be assured.

Poetry with JD - The Woods

In the early morning
I traverse the grove
And hear the songbirds of those I love

They each have a voice
The deep voice of brother and friend
The chide of the sister whom I'll always amend

The growl of a father
Angry and terrible, a fiery rage
not soften a dulled by time and age

The jeer of a foe
The call of battle and cry of war
Though I know not what I fight them for

a plethora of sound
And all these voices I hear in the Glade
Amidst the trees and the shade

Then the cover breaks
And I see a sunlight clearing
As my vision cleans, so does
My hearing

A voice sang out
Like a soft crescendo of light and life
Nothing like the voices of strife

So I sit down here
And listen to the song bird
And slowly it is the only to be heard

Next time I visit
You can come too
Maybe you'll find the song bird that's you

Poetry with JD - The Dark Despair

the dark despair holds me

a strangling hand clasped

tight around my throat

it squeezes all the life

from the once cheery soul

that i used to be

but how is it

that i could survive

that great and terrible pain?

with no way to ease

no method of healing

and no hope of a brighter dawn.

Poetry with JD - Plague

You plague me
The disease inside
The words of friends
No longer a guide

The infection spreads
The extremities go cold
And my mind dulls
Not as sharp, nor as bold

I feel sickened by you
By the thoughts I have
The ones you seen to fester
Terrors I could never brave

The corruption is deep
It has burned into my soul
Eating away at me
Taking is horrid toll

I'm to far gone to save
There is no cure for this
I have begun the grave
And await Death's kiss

Poetry with JD - Crumbles

The whole world falls
As everything crumbles
Leaving it to dust
Nothing but dust
That is what my future holds
The End of all things
The dying of the Light
The reign of the Darkness
The pillars that held me aloft
That held me in the air
Have burned down to nothing
And I plummeted into the Dark
Nothing hindering or stopping
The decay of my life
The rotting of happiness
As the crumbling of the Light


So, I recently went through something that has inspired me to write a lot of poems. A lot. So I'm just gonna put them up here, okay? Okay.

Monday, June 18, 2012

New Mexico

Hey everybody! I am currently in New Mexico while I'm writing this. And Im that you're not wondering what it is I'm doing so far away from my grotto. Well, I'm going to Philmont Scout Ranch, which is about 200 miles away from Albequerque. When I say this, I tell you that I'm not going to be writing anything until the 3rd of July. See ya guys!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Time (the creation)

     The entire concept of time, is just that, a concept. It's nothing more than a colabaration of human thoughts and ideas to form the structure of time that is generally excepted by most all of society. The only real reason we have time is because humans, or more specifically, the human mind, looks for patterns and repittions to understand things. A good guess at why we originally developed time was to explain the turning of the seasons, the patterns of day and night, moon and sun. And while the subject is currently resting on the bossom of time, lets talk about the Mayans.
     Now before you start screaming that "the end is neigh" and that the world is going to end, please realize that they didn't at any point predict the end of the world. All the Mayans did really was study the stars and study time. They obsereved the cycles of the moon and the stars, and made calendars. Lots and lots of calendars. The Mayan long calendar, which ends on December 21st, 2012, doesn't signify some catastrophe that is the end of all humanity. What it does mean, is that a cycle is restarting. If every year, at the end of my calendar, I started saying that the world is going to end, then you would just think that I was completely insane, and propably should be committed to an insane asylum.
      So, unless you think that the end of the yearly calendar is the end of the world, then go nuts. Maybe you'll just die off and rid the world of your stupidity. That's what the end of the world will be. To parphrase T.S. Eliot, this is the way the world ends, not with a prophecized date, but with the stupid rabble that thinks it will.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Time (the beginning)

I feel like I've been beating around the bush a little bit with this subject. I love things that are related to time. Time travel, time machines, wristwatches, wall clocks, sundial, and of course Tom Baker (if you don't know what/who that is, look it up). But I approach the topic of time with much precaution. I've been wanting to write one for as long as I've been writing these, but never known where or how to start. If I were to do several different posts on time, which aspect should I choose first amongst a plethora of concepts. So I thought I'd waste your time, say that I'm going to start talking about time, say nothing at all that really amounts to anything, and then hope I don't lose my pen and paper.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Camping with JD - part 5

Can I just say that the hiking technique called Caterpillar is The Makers gift to humanity? The way it works is the person at the front of your group stops, and then next person in line continues for, let's say 10 paces. Upon reaching the distance of ten paces, that person stops, and so on and so forth. When te last person in line reaches the second person to stop, the one who stopped first starts up again. If the whole process is done properly, then your group should be ascending the mountain like a kindred soul ascends I to heaven. Meaning that you'll eventually hit an impenetrable layer of cloud that will result in your plummet into hell. Sorry, but you should have bought a parachute.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Realty Check

Today, I was heading back to school. He's I know that my school is now out for the summer, but I had to turn in books and stuff. On the way there, I saw three people (women) walking with baby carriages. Now normally, this wouldn't be news worthy, except for the fact that each baby carriage was the same exact type. Three women walking down the sidewalk, each pushing an identical three seaters baby carriages (all filled with babies)! What on earth is wrong with my life?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Academic Achievement

It bothers me that "C" is average. It's considered "normal" to be 25% wrong! Now, I'm not going to get started on the fact that there is a huge problem with grades and testing in the first place, but I digress; the C average. RAGE! Seething, blazing hot rage! The biggest problem with setting the standard at 75% right is that it's teaching kids to both not expect to do well and to not try to improve. By saying that you're doing fine in a class when you're missing a fourth of the questions is like saying you're doing fine when your arm just got chopped off! But I want to say that setting the standard at 90-100% is also destructive. It means that if a student (around 10 or so) gets 1 question wrong on a five question quiz, they would emotionally tear themselves asunder for it. And image how bad it would be in High School, when parents are stressing good grades, the work has transformed from a rivulet to rapids, and the other components of high school life are dragged into the equation. I do believe that a C should still be a passing grade the same way that a D is a failing (that being the intermediate grade that is merely a transition to either a C or an F). So reader, tell me what you think: is the standard to high? Or is it to low?

Monday, June 4, 2012


1. Behavior or speech for effect, as insincere or exaggerated expression of an emotion. 2. Dramatic representation; theatricals; acting.
"celeb magazines are nothing but histrionic junk and pointless gossip"
No, this post is not about the meat that is a cut of pork and is often served with cow mold (cheese) and yeast grass (bread). What I'm talking about is the type of actor as seen here:
A ham actor is someone who overreacts to everything, While they're acting at least. Ham actors are often found amongst amateur and understudies (if you don't know what that is, then look it up), due mainly to the fact that they get very little stage time. And I know that everybody knows someone who is a ham actor, so the next time you see yours, acl them for me. Thanks!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Final Exams

So, the last couple weeks of my life have been spent preparing for two things:
1) Philmont (but I'll get into that later) and
2) Finals.
Now, I'm not daunted by the finals, but I'm slightly bothered by the concept. The whole thing is that our entire class, everything that we learn, isn't designed for real world application. Oh no, it's all for passing a final exam. The problem with that is we're only learning what we'll need for the finals, and nothing else. I am deeply bothered by that fact. Also, since my teachers generally know what is going to be on the test, the tell us what we need to study, not just everything that we learned in the class. That just makes a lot of class time feel like a waste of time. But I haven't taken my finals at this point in time, so I speak with pretty much no experience on the subject, so if you have taken finals, tell me what they're like, and If you haven't, tell me what you think they're going to be like.

Friday, June 1, 2012


So high schools take tornado warnings pretty seriously. So seriously that they don't even let people leave the school. I have spent the last hour sitting in a wet hall way because the sky have decided to take a really long sob fest. Just my luck.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Poetry with JD - Tears

This is for anyone who cried today

Why do you hold tears in you eyes?
They ripple and warp your beautiful gaze
Why is sorrow carved on you lips?
Without the light of your smile, I shan't see for days
Why do you speak no more?
Without your voice, I'm lost with no hope

Please bring back the sun
Bring back the moon, the stars
Or just help me find them
Wherever they are

I'll seek them out
Searching day and night
Going where I must go
Fighting off all your frights

For if there's one thing I truly fear
It's to see you, see you sad
And that's a sight I can't stand
So bring back the joy I know you once had

So please, no more pain
No hiding from fears
Proudly face the world
And she'd no more tears


Attention Duelists! (Nathan)

Did you know that whenever there's a website the allows people to communicate with each other, you often find that a community (hmm, communicate, community, wonder how that works?) is formed. And after five months of doing this blogging thing, I have assimilated into the Blogger community. And now to the topic of my rant. I have a friend named Nathan, who has his own blog on this site. And now a link to said blog.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What Should I Be Writing?

So i have no idea of which it is im going to speak of tonight, but that simoly because I have nothing all to important to say. Ever wonder why the most of the cutlery that i find in stores are poorly balanced knifes? Im not the only one who believe that if you can throw a knife, its not a good knife? Think about this: if you dont have a well balanced knife, then you'll have some problems with the precision of your cut. See? That's not all that interesting! And I want to write interesting things! So, I have come with a solution. I want you guys, yes you, in the back row with the face and the body (unless you don't have either of those, which can't be good), to tell me what you think I should write about. For example, I've been wanting to do a science mini series, but I'm not sure what to start with. So, it's up to you.

Poetry with JD: Sweet Death

Thou knowest not
Whom i may be
Thou cannot learn
The things i see
For i know the Earth
The truths it keeps
I feel the scythe
As cold death reaps
Thou shant pry into my mind
For a terror lairs that never tires
That steals the soul with a glare
Amd rips the heart of all desires
The hedonism of sweet death
The debauchary of the end
The begging for pain
Untenable to that which the evil send
So hide your heart
A guard your soul
The darkness is here
Marking out what it will dole

Friday, May 25, 2012

Happy Birthday Star Wars

That's right! 35 years ago to the day, the epic chronicle that is Star Wars was brought into the eyes of the public! And in honor of the movie series, and books, and video games, merchandise, fanboy/girl/its, and pretty much anything that is Star Wars, I'm going to review/critique the movies, one each day, over the next week, starting... Tomorrow. Because tonight I party like it's 1977.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


1. Inheriting or determining descent through the female line.
Didn't know there was a word for that. But then again there's a fear that somewhere somehow a duck is watching you. Not kidding. But I digress. This day (as in today) is mother's day (in case you didn't know). And this is the word of the day. Hmm. I sense a connection. This is like all of the mother's day stuff in the comics in the paper, only worse. Because, honestly how many people look for the word of the day. Other than me. Or the people who read this. Never mind.

Happy Mothers Day!

Attention all humans! It's Mother's Day. So get off the computer, and give your mom a call, a card, a hug. Just acknowledge the fact that she carried you around in her belly for nine months.

Camping with JD - part 4

I'm a Billy Goat! This weekend I hike from High Rock to the spot where I-70 meets the Appalachian Trail. It was great, even though I almost passed out from dehydration on Saturday. So I want to take this time to explain the dangers of heat exhaustion. DRINK WATER. LOTS AND LOTS OF WATER. IF YOU'RE NOT PEEING CLEAR, THEN YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG. IF SOMEONE IS MUMBLING OR SLURRING THEIR WORDS, IF THEY'RE STUMBLING, IF THEY HAVE A HEADACHE, OR THEY'RE CRANKY. THEM THEY. ARE. DEHYDRATED. GIVE THEN WATER. now.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I'm Scared

The world is full of mentally derranged people. I was showing one of my friends my blog, and instead of even looking at the posts, he immediatly went down to the fish app I have at the bottom of the page and started playing with it. Here's another example: in my english class the other day, a girl was acting absolutely insane. She was constantly laughing, paying no attention to the work. it turns out she had drunk so much coffee that she was quivering with energy. This examples is pretty scary. I was in the downtown section of the city I live in, and there, I saw a man pick up cat, and sniffed it. I wasn't even his cat. It was walking down the street, and the man just picked it up and sniffed it. Stay in school kids.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Camping with JD - Part 3

The Appalachian Trail is a beautiful trail. I love it, as well as my backpack. I love south mountain, I love my boots, I love my walking stick. I HATE MY FEET! After this weekend, I was ready to chop them off. Now I'm going to fall asleep until tomorrow. But anyway. I, thus previous weekend went on a 17 mile backpacking trip, which started in Dalhgren Camp ground, and ended at Harpers Ferry. Man that was fun.

Friday, April 20, 2012

National Silence Day


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Disney: Animal Kingdom

Had to pack up today, and felt sad about it the entire time. Then I went to Animal Kingdom. We first went on Expedition Everest, and then went straight to Dinoland U.S.A, where we:
A) rode Dinosaur (twice)
B) rode Dinorama (twice)
C) ate lunch (not twice)
D) killed a diplodocus in front of a group of harmless little kids.
All in all, I have to say that it was a pretty good day.

Disney: Hollywood Studios

So I went to Hollywood studios, rode the rockin' roller coaster, what cool explosion (twice), shook the doubles hand, got AWESOME Nightmare Before Christmas drumsticks. And generally had a good time. Then, when I got back to the resort, I learned how to play Mau (the hard way).

Monday, April 16, 2012

Disney: Epcot

Epcot. Is. Amazing? No. Fantastic? No. Indescribable? Yes. As well as a mine rich in comedy ore. I cracked so many jokes about the world showcase that I heard other people starting tell them. I also learned what fra diavolo means. If you want to know, there's this thing called google translate. Then we walked back and forth across the world. I don't see why going around the world in 80 days was such a challenge, I did it in less that an hour. But we didn't get to do Soarin', and I didn't do Test Track, but that's because the other two members of my party had never been on Test Track before, and the line for Soarin' was longer than (not so) Great Wall of Dishes.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Disney: Magic Kingdom

First off; WAAAAAAAAAAHHHH! Disney World! Oh my god, it is amazing here. The fireworks, the rides, the food. It is beautiful. Now, here's a run down of my day in the park Magic Kingdom. We started with going to pirates of the caribbean, and then we went to space mountain. Following space mountain, we hit the laugh floor. After the laugh floor, we had lunch at the terrace restaurant in tomorrowland. From there, we went to do splash mountain (twice), and then the teacups. By that time, we had to go get ready for the parade, but it was a great day. Let me give you a hint. Don't wear knew shoes when you're at Disney. It will cause your feet to murder you. With shards of glass. By stabbing you in the abdomen. 23 times.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

College Essay

This is a college essay that I wrote.

Option #4. Describe a character in fiction, a historical figure, or a creative work (as in art, music, science, etc.) that has had an influence on you, and explain that influence.

A character from fiction that has seriously influenced me would have to be Drizzt Do'urden, a character from R.A. Salvatore's the Legend of Drizzt. This character came from a society where females are dominant, and males can never get anywhere in the power structure. The whole society of the subterranean city is based on the worship of an evil goddess of spiders and chaos, causing her followers to weave webs of intrigue and betrayal. The race that Drizzt is, is as a fact evil, however Drizzt is not. Drizzt throws off the cloak of his past and travels the tunnels of the Underdark, a vast network of caves and tunnels. There, he finds the evil inside him, but suppresses it. He works his way to the surface, where he finds a group of friends. They go through many hardships, and grow so close. All the time Drizzt is finding out the truths of his own being. He goes through the discovery of the physical embodiment of what he would have become if he stayed back in the city of his birth in the form of a human assassin named Artemis Enteri, he finds love with his friend and eventual wife Cattie-Bre, and feels the deep pain of death and loss with the death of one of his closest friends Wulfgar, but all along this journey, he drives himself with a set of unshakeable morals, much of which I have adopted. With each new part of each book (they're divided into chapters and parts) Drizzt seems to discover a new part of himself, or comes more to terms with the world around him. He has influenced me not only in the way of me reading all of his currently 30 books, but he also gave to me a structure out of the chaos. Because of him, I accept death as a fact, not a fear. He taught me not to just plan for the future but be in and treasure each moment, because whether we're on this earth for a thousand years or just one, each moment, memory, person, place, each sunrise, is worth more than the gold of a dragons horde.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Yes it's fun. Yeah it's great. That is correct, my feet are killing me. I just came back from an eight mile hike (yea that's not too big) with unbroken in boots and no fuel in my tank. Still I averaged a speed of about 2 miles per hour. But that isn't why I'm writing this particular post. No, I'm writing it to raise awareness of the horribly debilitating disease that is rabies. I'm kidding, and at the same time trying not to be insensitive. If you have rabies, I send my sympathy on a telegram wire, but just do friendly advice; if you have rabies, why are you reading a blog? You should be seeking out medical attention. Immediately.


Omnia nunc iterum in locum vel tempus elit tenui infirmaque esse intellegant me facit. Et diligere affectum. Ratio esse videtur cum ad me non sum omnibus aliis rebus mundi. Donec ipsum humilitate ad infimum reduci psychologice Ant. Aliquando in vita sua quisque sentiat. Absolute fantastic. Sic scandere montem. Vigilate caligine LABOR super lacus in mane horas de mane. Respice super deserto. Vide quam in unam arborem herba. Pulchra est mundus, sic egrediens spectemus. In te potest ius in iterum et legitur magis blog postes.

Saturday, March 31, 2012


There are many kinds of fish in the sea (when I say this, I don't mean this metaphorically, I mean literally that there are many fish in the bodies of salt water that make up a majority of the surface of Earth). They range from the common tuna to the exotic clownfish, from the normal angelfish to the flipping strange anglerfish. Yup ma fish, many descriptive words and comparisons. Just like a school. Yeah a high school is a reef.
Okay, now that the thesis is out of the way, allow me to explain. This script of runes is not declaring everyone in every high school is a fish (though some might look like one). What I'm saying is that schools seem to have a system and structure close to the system and structure of a coral reef. For instance, the main staircase (if your school has one). Everyone is crowding around it, like spot on the reef where every single fish seems to go. You also have the little fish that are hiding off in the corner, who in the school would either be the outcasts (power to ya brother), or the couple sucking face (which reminds me; does anyone have spray bottle that I could borrow?). As for the eels; they're like the drug dealers, waiting in a hole for you to swim on by, and if they catch you, you're going to be eaten (metaphorically speaking of course). Next we come to the teachers. Now if there are any teachers reading this, you should know that I don't hate you, or even dislike you. This just fits into the metaphor. In the Atlantic ocean, more specifically (not Pacifically) the Florida Keys, the lion fish is an invasive species. It eats about 35 fish a day, and the females are able to reproduce after 2 months. They stay in nooks to hunt, just like how teachers have their room. And that's how a school is essentially a coral reef.

Sexuality in Comicbook Related Subjects

today, i went to a comic book store. i love comic books (specifically green lantern and dnd), but i couldn't help but noticing how obvious the sexual advertisement used to attract buyers (who also happen to be geeks). it started with me looking at the cover of a comic book (the name of which i cant seem to remember). on the cover, there were (i think) seven children/teenagers, and they were all wearing skin tight clothing (not normal clothing, but costume sort of clothing). the males (regardless of age) were wearing full suits, with everything covered but their heads, and this was similar for the pre-pubescent females. however, when it came to the one adolescent that was female; (who, of course was clothed in something pink, but sexism is a topic for another day) she was wearing the costume, but instead of the suit covering her entire torso, it just kinda... vanished during here mid rift and then reappeared just at the start of her sternum. and im not even done. with anime, all of the girls (and yes there are a couple counter examples, that much i realize) are either well endowed, or non at all. and now the coup' de grace, the final blow, the finishing move: at the counter, there were these two cards, both for sale. one of them held on it the signature of John Ross Bowie, who play Barry Kripke on the show The Big Bang Theory (which is pretty much a soap opera for geeks and nerds). this was for sale for $25. next to it was a card that had on it a piece of the clothe that came from some pajama shorts that the actress Kaley Cuoco (who plays Penny on the big bang theory) wore during ONE episode. it was $100 dollars. So i want to see all the other example of this advertising strategy that you can find, but only the good ones, not just any old sex driven advert.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Doldrums

My life is in a metaphorical doldrum. In the physical world, there's a ton of wind, so if I were to go sailing, I'd be fine. But I digress. I've had nothing to do for the past week, so I've had nothing to write about except about the fact that I have nothing to do. And isn't that just sad.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Camping with JD - part 2

So this past weekend, I went camping. Well, more swimming than camping. It rained the entire time, save the night we got there. But other than that, it was great. We built a catapult out of bamboo shafts and rope, with which we flung an apple about 100 ft. We also lashed (lashing is a type of knot that is used to attach two pieces of wood, usually used to construct things) we also built a chariot, a table, and an egg carrying device. I have to stop now, because the blisters on my feet are ready to burst.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


You know when you're reading a book (that's right, I said reading), and something really funny happens, causing you to laugh uncontrollably laugh full heartedly? It funny how often that seems to happen to me. I think that the best thing about it is when people look at you like you're insane. I believe that my record for surrounding life forms thinking that I've cracked in the head is about fifty (that was a crazy day). So that's the record to beat. I want you, the reader to go out and do something weird so that at least fifty people look at you like you're insane ( just keep it appropriate).

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sweet Victory

Victory is sweet. Its as sweet as ice cream. Its as sweet as kool aid through a red vine. Its as sweet as the most sweet thing in it the world. In fact it is the sweetest thing in the world. So here's to victory. And to Pekingese dogs. Cheers!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Newt Gingrich

Okay, so last semester, in one of my classes, I had to select one of the presidential candidates, but since everyone knows Obama, we had to do one of the republican candidates. so here you go, Internet, the political views of the man know as Newt Gingrich:
Name: Newt Gingrich Republican
Office: President
Qualifications: Age: 68 Geographic Location of Birth: Harrisburg, PA.

Age: 19 married Jackie Battley
Age: 38 married Marianne Ginther
Age: 57 married Callista Bisek
Education: Emory University, Tulane University, M.A. and PhD
Political Experience: Elected to Congress, House of Rep. 10 times.
Lead a charge against the Democratic Speaker of the House. Lead the
“Republican Revolution”
Ethic’s Scandal: Blamed for the political shutdowns of 1995. in 1995,
he returned a $4.5 million book advance that the house of Ethics
committee questioned.
Professional Experience: assistant professor for history and geography.
The guy got married every nineteen years. that is just wack. Now if you want to know more, please visit his site:
I personaly don't like the man, seeing as a marriage is a commitment, and also on his site, it doesn't specify on how he's going to fix America's many problems. That is what really matters. That the person elected gets the job done. Now don't let what I say affect you, your thoughts are your own.
Now to other orders of business. Once a week, I will be finding out information on the presidential candidates for 2012, and reporting on them much like this, but more elaborately. In the mean time, I plan of writing posts more frequently, so stay tuned America, and the rest of the world, and in fact, if there are extraterrestrial life forms, then maybe they could stay tuned as well. Okay, just stay tuned.
"Allons-y!" - David Tennant

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


This past saturday, i experienced flight in a small, four man airplane. good God that thing was easily jostled by tiny gusts of winds. it was like being on a roller coaster, but the ride was 2 hours long, and there were little to no points of time where it felt like i was moving forward. now, as much of a thrill ride as it was, the instinctual terrir if feeling or rather, not feeling zero gravity is nerve racking. of course, after the first hour, the nerves stopped racking and actually played pool (ba dum bum). it was a very eye opening experience, flying over the state Maryland, seeing the great being of the chesapeake bay, and saw the few places that humanity it seems nas not touched. i suggest the experience to every one, but remember, the most important thing, the thing that really makes the plane go, and that's your wallet.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Pillow Consistency

lets face it. the pillow is an important part of falling asleep. if the wonderful package known as your head isn't comfortable, then it's really hard for you to fall asleep. It's really impressive, how genetics have developed do that your head is on an unstable structure such as the neck. It's much like balancing an egg on a straw.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Every now and again, I find a place or time on this planet that makes me realize how small and insignificant I am. And I love the feeling. The idea that I, while I seem so important to me, I'm not all that important to the rest of the world. It's very humbling experience, to be psychologically reduced to an insignificant ant. Everyone should feel it at some point in their life. It's absolutely fantastic. So climb a mountain. Watch the mist glide over a lake in the early hours of the morning. Look out over the desert. See a single tree in the midst of a grass. The world is a beautiful place, so go out and have a look. The you can come right on back inside and read more blog posts.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


1. A person who is not sensitive to criticism, ridicule, etc.
2. Any of the thick-skinned, nonruminant ungulates, as the elephant, hippopotamus, and rhinoceros.
3. An elephant.
Let's stop and take a look at this. Slowly, the definition transforms from a person with an apparent immunity to insult, to an elephant. Hey, do you guys know to kill a blue elephant? With a blue elephant gun of course! Anywai propose that this is one of the words that started out meaning one thing ( I.e, pachyderm) and eventually came to mean another. So, what other words do you know that probably had this occur to them?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


So my schedule's pretty weird. just thought someone would want to know. There is a very large percent that what will happen is that I'll write nothing the entire week, and then on Sunday or Saturday, I'll bring out four new posts. I'm sorry. That's just how my life seems to work.
now that that annoying stuff is over, i can get to want it is that i had wanted to talk about. weird ad annoying schedules. here in the "magical" land of America (I say this only becaise i have several international viewers), schedules are based on a week to weekend set up, with a 14 awake 10 asleep sleep cycle. its weird. really weird. expecially since the human body is designed to work better on a 24/12 awake/asleep cycle. That makes more sense. In fact, over the summer, I decided to try a sleep cycle like that, I felt better and more rested then I've ever felt before. If its possible for you to have a sleep cycle like a 24/12 awake/asleep cycle. If not, then fight tr chains of society, and deny this mortal coil, become immortal. Either way, the main thing to take away from this post is that I'll be posting more on Sunday than any other week.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Parkour Fashion Ninjas

Okay. The other day in Target: the entity known as me was located close to the televisions. I was looking in that general direction, when a commercial came on. Now... I am being completely serious. Absolutely and entirely serious. Okay. It was about Parkour fashion ninjas. I'm not joking. I am absolutely and entirely serious. Good God I hate corporate America. Any hooty and the blowfish; a group of people we're running around an urban environment, flipping over people's shoulders and suddenly, with (magic), changing their "boring" outfits into something preppy and fashionable. What on earth has this world come to?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Power Rangers on iPhones

You know how the power rangers these days always seem to use a cell phone like device? Well imagine what it would be like if they used iPhones:
"Alright everyone, let's get this baddy! POWER RANGER APP, ACTIVATE!"
...that's a great childhood memory absolutely destroyed. Now before you decide to rally together and murder me, I'm going to say good bye.



\ aw-skuhl-TEY-shuhn \  , noun;

The act of listening to sounds within the body as a method of diagnosis.
Woman: What do you think?
Doctor: in my professional opinion, you're a little flat. 
All jokes aside, this isn't really a serious matter. It's really just one of the little things that makes me laugh (ha ha ha). It's interesting though, how people always seem to think that they know whats going on, just by sound? That we have such a secure idea on what is going on in our body. We are the commander of everything, and the masters of nothing.

Poetry with JD: With Wings Unfurled

Sky is above
Earth is below
But we have no place to go

Be it desert, be it seas
Or be it in betwixt trees
We're locked in a room without the keys

On this bit of dirt so curled
We each live on
Knowing only our world

But we keep expanding
Like it or not
just like water, in a boiling pot

When I look up to sky
Whether day or night
I wish we had the gift of flight

For if we could soar
We could leave this sad world
And live in the sky, wings unfurled

This I do think
As I lay down to bed
These thoughts aloft, and free in my head

And then when I sleep
I dream of the sky
And in my dream, I soar and fly

Shot into my world
into flight I am hurled
And then I take off, with wings unfurled.
(c) JD Galuardi 2008

Camping with JD - Part 1

This past weekend i had gone camping in the state of PA. on this campout, I went on a hike that brought me up and down a mountain. but that's not so important. what's important (really I mean relative to the subject at hand) is that in the middle of the hike, there was this meadow. Now, when I have been to this meadow before, it's always been clear and nice and a beautiful day and such. Not this time. Nope. This time it was snowing, and there was snow on the ground. The snow in the air made it so that in combination with the sky of clouds, there was no seeing anything past about 100 yards on the mountain. but when I got down to the bottom of the mountain and back to my campsite, I found that the same property of the sky earlier was gone, even though the snow was still falling (and there wasn't but a 10 minute walk back to the site from the meadow). It's really weird that a change in altitude of about 200 feet could change the conditions of the sky. But other than that, it was a really cold and gray camping trip. 

SEE YOU NEXT TIME ON "Camping with JD"!

Twitter: @asafactblog
Youtube: Spoutsofinformation

Sincerely (home and warm again),


i'd say its high time i promote myself:
Facebook: Asafactblog
Twitter: asafactblog
Youtube: spoutsofinformation
feel free to like/follow/subscribe to those sites/locations on the internet.
also, if you want to suggest to me ideas for blog posts, just send me a message on any of those sites (i promise not to shoot the messenger).

Tuesday, January 31, 2012




[soo-per-kal-uh-fraj-uh-lis-tik-ek-spee-al-i-doh-shuhs] Show IPA
(used as a nonsense word by children to express approval or to represent the longest word in English.)
Now, just because i said supercalifragilisticexpialidocious doesn't give ANY of you to start singing. or dancing. or humming. its time to get serious. the reason why the word this time is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (thats gonna get annoying to type) is not because i've been watching Mary Poppins, or i've been using sugar to make it easier to inject myself with a narcotic (that was a joke. more specifically a reference to the song "just a spoon full of sugar" from the musical), but because of the definition. a nonsense word with another definition. think about it. sense means its logical, all the pieces fit, be non means it doesn't. so it doesn't make sense, or doesn't have any logical structure. So it defies logic. Its official, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is a miracle word, since it breaks the laws of logic and nature. 

Sunday, January 29, 2012


- noun 1. ambidextrous ease, skill, or facility 2. unusual cleverness 3. duplicity; deceitfulness
Hooray for ambidextrous humans (and monkeys). It's one of those little things in life that make you wonder. Kinda like cafeteria mystery meat. But stop and imagine a world where everyone is proficient with both hands, and everyone knows that mystery meat is really x(thud)... Sorry about that folks, lost my cool. And about a hundred brain cells from that head desk. It's scary though, right? Imagining a world where there's almost no creativity (the ironic thing is is that I have to use my imagination and creativity to think of a world where there's practically no imagination)? There would be no music, no fiction, no Doctor Who, no video games. Be glad for ambidexterity. Be glad for irony. Most of all, be glad for mystery meat.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


5 results for:Change
- verb (used with object)changedchanging 1. to make different 2. to exchange - verb (used without object)changedchanging 3. to become different 4. to transfer between means of transportation 5. to put on different clothes - noun 6. alteration 7. substitution 8. coins
- Related Forms well-changed- adjective self-chang·ing- adjective, noun un·chang·ing·ly- adverb un·chang·ing·ness- noun trans·change- verb (used with object)
change front
- idiomMil. 1. to shift a military force in another direction
change off
- verb phrase 1. to take turns with another, as at doing a task 2. to alternate between two tasks or between a task and a rest break
change one's mind
- idiom 1. to change one's opinions or intentions
ring the changes
- idiom 1. to perform all permutations possible in ringing a set of tuned bells, as in a bell tower of a church 2. to vary the manner of performing an action or of discussing a subject; repeat with variations
1175–1225; (v.) ME cha(u)ngen < AF, OF changer < LL cambiāre, L cambīre to exchange; (n.) ME cha(u)nge < AF, OF, n. deriv. of the v.
This is a shout out for Russian Dude, who answered the question for my Electoraly College post. Change is nature. Nature is in constant flux. The real definition of change is nature. Think about it. The world around us is in constant change. Each day turns to night, each night to day, and so on and so forth. So change is all around us. This much is a fact. Then why is it that people are pathologically afraid of change? (and discuss)

Sunday, January 22, 2012


- verb (used without object)fellfallenfalling 1. to come down suddenly to a lower position; drop 2. to decline 3. to lose position 4. to be overthrown 5. to pass into a specified condition 6. to die in combat - noun 7. act or instance of falling 8. autumn 9. surrender or capture, as of a city
- Related Form un·fall·ing- adjective
bef. 900; ME fallen, OE feallan; c. G fallen, ON falla; akin to Lith pùlti to fall

I've learned the true definition of falling the past weekend. Falling is when your going too fast on skis and you suck at breaking. So what do you do? You fall. And fall. And fall. It doesn't really end. I'd tell of how I did some amazing and dangerous stunt, by seeing as our troop had the most visits to the health lodge of any troop. Or group. At all. So it's sort of scary, falling. So here's the question. Whats the worst thing you've ever done while or from falling.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Great Ideas

- adjective 1. very large in size, number, intensity, etc. 2. excellent 3. famous 4. important
- Related Forms    qua·si-great- adjective    qua·si-great·ly- adverb    o·ver·great·ness- noun

[ahy-dee-uh, ahy-deeuh]
- noun 1. conception or plan formed in the mind 2. opinion 3. purpose
- Related Forms    i·de·a·less- adjective    sub·i·de·a- noun

Now this is gonna sound strange, but I hate hate HATE it when people call things great ideas that aren't even generally good ideas. It's my biggest pet peeve (that and when people smack their lips, are genuinely stupid for no reason other than they don't want to learn, and people who can't clap in time at concerts). So, to make sure people don't say great idea when it's not deserved, I've devised a simple system to tell. 

1. Is it your own idea? If yes, don't call it a great idea, if not, go to 2
2. Does the person have a phd? Yes, don't call it a great idea, their egos to bloated already. If no, proceed to 3
3. Is your immediate reaction "hey thats a great idea!" ? If so, don't call it a great idea. 
4. Is your immediate reaction "that's really stupid." ? If you answered yes to that question, then it's definitely NOT a great idea. 
5. Did the idiot of your group suggest it? If it traces it's origin to that location, it's not a great idea. 
6. Did the group genius immediately discredit it? If yes, proceed to 7 (note: it has to fit within the above parameters AND be rejected by the group genius) 
7. Finally, the big question... Does it significantly improve life, or totally solve any problem or obstacle? If yes... Then... (drum roll) no. Its not a great idea. If thats the case then it's a fantastic idea. Yeah. (I went there). 
Have you had any great ideas recently, the put 'em in the (box) comments. 

Monday, January 16, 2012


- noun 1. sleeplessness
- Related Forms in·som·ni·ous- adjective in·som·ni·ac- noun, adjective
- noun 2. Youtube

Please note that I am writing this at 2 in the morning. I have spent the last (god knows how long) amount of time watching YouTube videos. Now, I watched the funny and the scary. More funny, but I digress. Good god I am tired, but again I want to fall asleep, but also I've started a post for the thing called a blog that no one (I'm pretty sure) reads, and it's important, even if no one really reads it. At all. Like not even one little bit. Really, I'm probably talking to myself. Hi me! GET TO SLEEP


Addiction: - noun 1. the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma.
(it's the Skyrim drinking game. Each time I say (load), take a drink)
That's right folks it's time for a serious topic. Now I'm talking about addiction because, well this guy I know (me), has recently become addicted, to video games. Now I'm not gonna name names or anything, but this game is the reason why I haven't been productive since, well the 25th of December. Now in that time I've been able to level up a character to level 18, slay 8 dragons, prove that I am the all powerful Godzilla-born, and even settle down and get married. While in the real world, I've gotten worse at drumming, my room is falling into disrepair, and I've taken two weeks to clean the fishbowl. Yeah. Scary.
So anyway, I'd like to take this time to now tell you the moral of the story. When I walked out of the nest I had built from the blanket and soda cans, And blinking, step into the sun, I realized the fact that the outside world was a bit better than the fake virtual world because whenever I opened a bloody door, it didn't take me two minutes to (load) walk out the door, (load) turn around, (load) close the door, (load) an turn around again. Turns out that that is the biggest advantage of real life and the actual world over video games. There is absolutely no (load)ing time whatsoever. Of course there is no walk through guide to life. But I (load) digress. Here's the question: if someone were to play Skyrim for 21 days worth of (load)ing time (21 days is how long it takes for a new habit to take hold) could they actually become addicted to *glug* (load) screens?

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Electorial Colleges

Here's the thing. The electorial college doesn't work today. that much is apparent. think about it: the system means that if your state is a certain party that you disagree with, then your vote will almost always will never count. and the worst thing about this is is that everyone (that i talk to) says pretty much the same thing, and thats that is doesn't work. So, heres the big question: why is it that if the electorial college doesn't work, and that it doenst help with equal representation, why do we still have it?

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Light. Some times its treated As the bane of evil and the Darkness, others the source of live on all the Earth. Its also both a particle and a wave. It's also taken for granted (not granite). Yup, it's sorely missed when you don't have it. Like when you lose your flashlight, or when you can't see the screen on your computer. I know that a lot of people that have light at almost any time don't know what I'm talking about, but for those who do, bless you.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Metacognition is when you think about what it Is that you are thinking about. Now, what I plan to do with this blog that no one will probably read, is I will be examining the day in the live of JD Galuardi, with Metacognition as my guide. I think (hah hah) that it could result in some îñtęrëštįńg things. Îñtęrëštįńg. Very îñtęrëštįńg indeed. But aside from that, I cant help but wonder how a person can have perfect pitch if: there are two versions of what we say. The first is the one that we hear as our voice vibrates through our vocal chords and then to our ears. The other is when other people hear what we say as our voice travels through the air. Now, pitch is one of the many ways that our voice sounds, and we change our pitch to change who our voice sounds in accordance to the musical scale of C major. So my though I'd this: if we don't hear what other people hear when we talk then how can we know that we have perfect pitch?

For more Metacognition, just read the article you just read, but write down your thoughts of your thinking as you do. Congratulations! You have (hopefully) successfully performed Metacognition. Tadaa!