Saturday, January 14, 2012

Electorial Colleges

Here's the thing. The electorial college doesn't work today. that much is apparent. think about it: the system means that if your state is a certain party that you disagree with, then your vote will almost always will never count. and the worst thing about this is is that everyone (that i talk to) says pretty much the same thing, and thats that is doesn't work. So, heres the big question: why is it that if the electorial college doesn't work, and that it doenst help with equal representation, why do we still have it?


  1. Because America is afraid of change, that's why.

    1. It's ironic. The country that was built on change, is now fearful of it. Not to mention how difficult it would be to implement a new system.

  2. That is true. Let's say, and amendment was found unruly. It would take an incredibly long time to change it and the process would be mind numbing. As for the electoral college, it is not an issue that society has complained about, therefore it will not be changed.
