Tuesday, February 14, 2012


So my schedule's pretty weird. just thought someone would want to know. There is a very large percent that what will happen is that I'll write nothing the entire week, and then on Sunday or Saturday, I'll bring out four new posts. I'm sorry. That's just how my life seems to work.
now that that annoying stuff is over, i can get to want it is that i had wanted to talk about. weird ad annoying schedules. here in the "magical" land of America (I say this only becaise i have several international viewers), schedules are based on a week to weekend set up, with a 14 awake 10 asleep sleep cycle. its weird. really weird. expecially since the human body is designed to work better on a 24/12 awake/asleep cycle. That makes more sense. In fact, over the summer, I decided to try a sleep cycle like that, I felt better and more rested then I've ever felt before. If its possible for you to have a sleep cycle like a 24/12 awake/asleep cycle. If not, then fight tr chains of society, and deny this mortal coil, become immortal. Either way, the main thing to take away from this post is that I'll be posting more on Sunday than any other week.

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