Sunday, January 22, 2012


- verb (used without object)fellfallenfalling 1. to come down suddenly to a lower position; drop 2. to decline 3. to lose position 4. to be overthrown 5. to pass into a specified condition 6. to die in combat - noun 7. act or instance of falling 8. autumn 9. surrender or capture, as of a city
- Related Form un·fall·ing- adjective
bef. 900; ME fallen, OE feallan; c. G fallen, ON falla; akin to Lith pĆ¹lti to fall

I've learned the true definition of falling the past weekend. Falling is when your going too fast on skis and you suck at breaking. So what do you do? You fall. And fall. And fall. It doesn't really end. I'd tell of how I did some amazing and dangerous stunt, by seeing as our troop had the most visits to the health lodge of any troop. Or group. At all. So it's sort of scary, falling. So here's the question. Whats the worst thing you've ever done while or from falling.

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