Thursday, June 14, 2012

Time (the creation)

     The entire concept of time, is just that, a concept. It's nothing more than a colabaration of human thoughts and ideas to form the structure of time that is generally excepted by most all of society. The only real reason we have time is because humans, or more specifically, the human mind, looks for patterns and repittions to understand things. A good guess at why we originally developed time was to explain the turning of the seasons, the patterns of day and night, moon and sun. And while the subject is currently resting on the bossom of time, lets talk about the Mayans.
     Now before you start screaming that "the end is neigh" and that the world is going to end, please realize that they didn't at any point predict the end of the world. All the Mayans did really was study the stars and study time. They obsereved the cycles of the moon and the stars, and made calendars. Lots and lots of calendars. The Mayan long calendar, which ends on December 21st, 2012, doesn't signify some catastrophe that is the end of all humanity. What it does mean, is that a cycle is restarting. If every year, at the end of my calendar, I started saying that the world is going to end, then you would just think that I was completely insane, and propably should be committed to an insane asylum.
      So, unless you think that the end of the yearly calendar is the end of the world, then go nuts. Maybe you'll just die off and rid the world of your stupidity. That's what the end of the world will be. To parphrase T.S. Eliot, this is the way the world ends, not with a prophecized date, but with the stupid rabble that thinks it will.

1 comment:

  1. Hi!! It is your 'editor'. Um, I wrote a lot of comments before rememberong you do not check your email often, so try reading those if you can. Btw, time also fascinates me as does stuff about more than just us filthy humans. So what do you think about starting an online debate? Like something that could ignite the Debators in us all, without creating a political massacre online, of course.
