Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Great Ideas

- adjective 1. very large in size, number, intensity, etc. 2. excellent 3. famous 4. important
- Related Forms    qua·si-great- adjective    qua·si-great·ly- adverb    o·ver·great·ness- noun

[ahy-dee-uh, ahy-deeuh]
- noun 1. conception or plan formed in the mind 2. opinion 3. purpose
- Related Forms    i·de·a·less- adjective    sub·i·de·a- noun

Now this is gonna sound strange, but I hate hate HATE it when people call things great ideas that aren't even generally good ideas. It's my biggest pet peeve (that and when people smack their lips, are genuinely stupid for no reason other than they don't want to learn, and people who can't clap in time at concerts). So, to make sure people don't say great idea when it's not deserved, I've devised a simple system to tell. 

1. Is it your own idea? If yes, don't call it a great idea, if not, go to 2
2. Does the person have a phd? Yes, don't call it a great idea, their egos to bloated already. If no, proceed to 3
3. Is your immediate reaction "hey thats a great idea!" ? If so, don't call it a great idea. 
4. Is your immediate reaction "that's really stupid." ? If you answered yes to that question, then it's definitely NOT a great idea. 
5. Did the idiot of your group suggest it? If it traces it's origin to that location, it's not a great idea. 
6. Did the group genius immediately discredit it? If yes, proceed to 7 (note: it has to fit within the above parameters AND be rejected by the group genius) 
7. Finally, the big question... Does it significantly improve life, or totally solve any problem or obstacle? If yes... Then... (drum roll) no. Its not a great idea. If thats the case then it's a fantastic idea. Yeah. (I went there). 
Have you had any great ideas recently, the put 'em in the (box) comments. 

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