Saturday, March 31, 2012

Sexuality in Comicbook Related Subjects

today, i went to a comic book store. i love comic books (specifically green lantern and dnd), but i couldn't help but noticing how obvious the sexual advertisement used to attract buyers (who also happen to be geeks). it started with me looking at the cover of a comic book (the name of which i cant seem to remember). on the cover, there were (i think) seven children/teenagers, and they were all wearing skin tight clothing (not normal clothing, but costume sort of clothing). the males (regardless of age) were wearing full suits, with everything covered but their heads, and this was similar for the pre-pubescent females. however, when it came to the one adolescent that was female; (who, of course was clothed in something pink, but sexism is a topic for another day) she was wearing the costume, but instead of the suit covering her entire torso, it just kinda... vanished during here mid rift and then reappeared just at the start of her sternum. and im not even done. with anime, all of the girls (and yes there are a couple counter examples, that much i realize) are either well endowed, or non at all. and now the coup' de grace, the final blow, the finishing move: at the counter, there were these two cards, both for sale. one of them held on it the signature of John Ross Bowie, who play Barry Kripke on the show The Big Bang Theory (which is pretty much a soap opera for geeks and nerds). this was for sale for $25. next to it was a card that had on it a piece of the clothe that came from some pajama shorts that the actress Kaley Cuoco (who plays Penny on the big bang theory) wore during ONE episode. it was $100 dollars. So i want to see all the other example of this advertising strategy that you can find, but only the good ones, not just any old sex driven advert.

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