Saturday, March 31, 2012


There are many kinds of fish in the sea (when I say this, I don't mean this metaphorically, I mean literally that there are many fish in the bodies of salt water that make up a majority of the surface of Earth). They range from the common tuna to the exotic clownfish, from the normal angelfish to the flipping strange anglerfish. Yup ma fish, many descriptive words and comparisons. Just like a school. Yeah a high school is a reef.
Okay, now that the thesis is out of the way, allow me to explain. This script of runes is not declaring everyone in every high school is a fish (though some might look like one). What I'm saying is that schools seem to have a system and structure close to the system and structure of a coral reef. For instance, the main staircase (if your school has one). Everyone is crowding around it, like spot on the reef where every single fish seems to go. You also have the little fish that are hiding off in the corner, who in the school would either be the outcasts (power to ya brother), or the couple sucking face (which reminds me; does anyone have spray bottle that I could borrow?). As for the eels; they're like the drug dealers, waiting in a hole for you to swim on by, and if they catch you, you're going to be eaten (metaphorically speaking of course). Next we come to the teachers. Now if there are any teachers reading this, you should know that I don't hate you, or even dislike you. This just fits into the metaphor. In the Atlantic ocean, more specifically (not Pacifically) the Florida Keys, the lion fish is an invasive species. It eats about 35 fish a day, and the females are able to reproduce after 2 months. They stay in nooks to hunt, just like how teachers have their room. And that's how a school is essentially a coral reef.

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