Tuesday, January 31, 2012




[soo-per-kal-uh-fraj-uh-lis-tik-ek-spee-al-i-doh-shuhs] Show IPA
(used as a nonsense word by children to express approval or to represent the longest word in English.)
Now, just because i said supercalifragilisticexpialidocious doesn't give ANY of you to start singing. or dancing. or humming. its time to get serious. the reason why the word this time is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (thats gonna get annoying to type) is not because i've been watching Mary Poppins, or i've been using sugar to make it easier to inject myself with a narcotic (that was a joke. more specifically a reference to the song "just a spoon full of sugar" from the musical), but because of the definition. a nonsense word with another definition. think about it. sense means its logical, all the pieces fit, be non means it doesn't. so it doesn't make sense, or doesn't have any logical structure. So it defies logic. Its official, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is a miracle word, since it breaks the laws of logic and nature. 

Sunday, January 29, 2012


- noun 1. ambidextrous ease, skill, or facility 2. unusual cleverness 3. duplicity; deceitfulness
Hooray for ambidextrous humans (and monkeys). It's one of those little things in life that make you wonder. Kinda like cafeteria mystery meat. But stop and imagine a world where everyone is proficient with both hands, and everyone knows that mystery meat is really x(thud)... Sorry about that folks, lost my cool. And about a hundred brain cells from that head desk. It's scary though, right? Imagining a world where there's almost no creativity (the ironic thing is is that I have to use my imagination and creativity to think of a world where there's practically no imagination)? There would be no music, no fiction, no Doctor Who, no video games. Be glad for ambidexterity. Be glad for irony. Most of all, be glad for mystery meat.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


5 results for:Change
- verb (used with object)changedchanging 1. to make different 2. to exchange - verb (used without object)changedchanging 3. to become different 4. to transfer between means of transportation 5. to put on different clothes - noun 6. alteration 7. substitution 8. coins
- Related Forms well-changed- adjective self-chang·ing- adjective, noun un·chang·ing·ly- adverb un·chang·ing·ness- noun trans·change- verb (used with object)
change front
- idiomMil. 1. to shift a military force in another direction
change off
- verb phrase 1. to take turns with another, as at doing a task 2. to alternate between two tasks or between a task and a rest break
change one's mind
- idiom 1. to change one's opinions or intentions
ring the changes
- idiom 1. to perform all permutations possible in ringing a set of tuned bells, as in a bell tower of a church 2. to vary the manner of performing an action or of discussing a subject; repeat with variations
1175–1225; (v.) ME cha(u)ngen < AF, OF changer < LL cambiāre, L cambīre to exchange; (n.) ME cha(u)nge < AF, OF, n. deriv. of the v.
This is a shout out for Russian Dude, who answered the question for my Electoraly College post. Change is nature. Nature is in constant flux. The real definition of change is nature. Think about it. The world around us is in constant change. Each day turns to night, each night to day, and so on and so forth. So change is all around us. This much is a fact. Then why is it that people are pathologically afraid of change? (and discuss)

Sunday, January 22, 2012


- verb (used without object)fellfallenfalling 1. to come down suddenly to a lower position; drop 2. to decline 3. to lose position 4. to be overthrown 5. to pass into a specified condition 6. to die in combat - noun 7. act or instance of falling 8. autumn 9. surrender or capture, as of a city
- Related Form un·fall·ing- adjective
bef. 900; ME fallen, OE feallan; c. G fallen, ON falla; akin to Lith pùlti to fall

I've learned the true definition of falling the past weekend. Falling is when your going too fast on skis and you suck at breaking. So what do you do? You fall. And fall. And fall. It doesn't really end. I'd tell of how I did some amazing and dangerous stunt, by seeing as our troop had the most visits to the health lodge of any troop. Or group. At all. So it's sort of scary, falling. So here's the question. Whats the worst thing you've ever done while or from falling.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Great Ideas

- adjective 1. very large in size, number, intensity, etc. 2. excellent 3. famous 4. important
- Related Forms    qua·si-great- adjective    qua·si-great·ly- adverb    o·ver·great·ness- noun

[ahy-dee-uh, ahy-deeuh]
- noun 1. conception or plan formed in the mind 2. opinion 3. purpose
- Related Forms    i·de·a·less- adjective    sub·i·de·a- noun

Now this is gonna sound strange, but I hate hate HATE it when people call things great ideas that aren't even generally good ideas. It's my biggest pet peeve (that and when people smack their lips, are genuinely stupid for no reason other than they don't want to learn, and people who can't clap in time at concerts). So, to make sure people don't say great idea when it's not deserved, I've devised a simple system to tell. 

1. Is it your own idea? If yes, don't call it a great idea, if not, go to 2
2. Does the person have a phd? Yes, don't call it a great idea, their egos to bloated already. If no, proceed to 3
3. Is your immediate reaction "hey thats a great idea!" ? If so, don't call it a great idea. 
4. Is your immediate reaction "that's really stupid." ? If you answered yes to that question, then it's definitely NOT a great idea. 
5. Did the idiot of your group suggest it? If it traces it's origin to that location, it's not a great idea. 
6. Did the group genius immediately discredit it? If yes, proceed to 7 (note: it has to fit within the above parameters AND be rejected by the group genius) 
7. Finally, the big question... Does it significantly improve life, or totally solve any problem or obstacle? If yes... Then... (drum roll) no. Its not a great idea. If thats the case then it's a fantastic idea. Yeah. (I went there). 
Have you had any great ideas recently, the put 'em in the (box) comments. 

Monday, January 16, 2012


- noun 1. sleeplessness
- Related Forms in·som·ni·ous- adjective in·som·ni·ac- noun, adjective
- noun 2. Youtube

Please note that I am writing this at 2 in the morning. I have spent the last (god knows how long) amount of time watching YouTube videos. Now, I watched the funny and the scary. More funny, but I digress. Good god I am tired, but again I want to fall asleep, but also I've started a post for the thing called a blog that no one (I'm pretty sure) reads, and it's important, even if no one really reads it. At all. Like not even one little bit. Really, I'm probably talking to myself. Hi me! GET TO SLEEP


Addiction: - noun 1. the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma.
(it's the Skyrim drinking game. Each time I say (load), take a drink)
That's right folks it's time for a serious topic. Now I'm talking about addiction because, well this guy I know (me), has recently become addicted, to video games. Now I'm not gonna name names or anything, but this game is the reason why I haven't been productive since, well the 25th of December. Now in that time I've been able to level up a character to level 18, slay 8 dragons, prove that I am the all powerful Godzilla-born, and even settle down and get married. While in the real world, I've gotten worse at drumming, my room is falling into disrepair, and I've taken two weeks to clean the fishbowl. Yeah. Scary.
So anyway, I'd like to take this time to now tell you the moral of the story. When I walked out of the nest I had built from the blanket and soda cans, And blinking, step into the sun, I realized the fact that the outside world was a bit better than the fake virtual world because whenever I opened a bloody door, it didn't take me two minutes to (load) walk out the door, (load) turn around, (load) close the door, (load) an turn around again. Turns out that that is the biggest advantage of real life and the actual world over video games. There is absolutely no (load)ing time whatsoever. Of course there is no walk through guide to life. But I (load) digress. Here's the question: if someone were to play Skyrim for 21 days worth of (load)ing time (21 days is how long it takes for a new habit to take hold) could they actually become addicted to *glug* (load) screens?

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Electorial Colleges

Here's the thing. The electorial college doesn't work today. that much is apparent. think about it: the system means that if your state is a certain party that you disagree with, then your vote will almost always will never count. and the worst thing about this is is that everyone (that i talk to) says pretty much the same thing, and thats that is doesn't work. So, heres the big question: why is it that if the electorial college doesn't work, and that it doenst help with equal representation, why do we still have it?

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Light. Some times its treated As the bane of evil and the Darkness, others the source of live on all the Earth. Its also both a particle and a wave. It's also taken for granted (not granite). Yup, it's sorely missed when you don't have it. Like when you lose your flashlight, or when you can't see the screen on your computer. I know that a lot of people that have light at almost any time don't know what I'm talking about, but for those who do, bless you.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Metacognition is when you think about what it Is that you are thinking about. Now, what I plan to do with this blog that no one will probably read, is I will be examining the day in the live of JD Galuardi, with Metacognition as my guide. I think (hah hah) that it could result in some îñtęrëštįńg things. Îñtęrëštįńg. Very îñtęrëštįńg indeed. But aside from that, I cant help but wonder how a person can have perfect pitch if: there are two versions of what we say. The first is the one that we hear as our voice vibrates through our vocal chords and then to our ears. The other is when other people hear what we say as our voice travels through the air. Now, pitch is one of the many ways that our voice sounds, and we change our pitch to change who our voice sounds in accordance to the musical scale of C major. So my though I'd this: if we don't hear what other people hear when we talk then how can we know that we have perfect pitch?

For more Metacognition, just read the article you just read, but write down your thoughts of your thinking as you do. Congratulations! You have (hopefully) successfully performed Metacognition. Tadaa!