Thursday, February 23, 2012

Pillow Consistency

lets face it. the pillow is an important part of falling asleep. if the wonderful package known as your head isn't comfortable, then it's really hard for you to fall asleep. It's really impressive, how genetics have developed do that your head is on an unstable structure such as the neck. It's much like balancing an egg on a straw.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Every now and again, I find a place or time on this planet that makes me realize how small and insignificant I am. And I love the feeling. The idea that I, while I seem so important to me, I'm not all that important to the rest of the world. It's very humbling experience, to be psychologically reduced to an insignificant ant. Everyone should feel it at some point in their life. It's absolutely fantastic. So climb a mountain. Watch the mist glide over a lake in the early hours of the morning. Look out over the desert. See a single tree in the midst of a grass. The world is a beautiful place, so go out and have a look. The you can come right on back inside and read more blog posts.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


1. A person who is not sensitive to criticism, ridicule, etc.
2. Any of the thick-skinned, nonruminant ungulates, as the elephant, hippopotamus, and rhinoceros.
3. An elephant.
Let's stop and take a look at this. Slowly, the definition transforms from a person with an apparent immunity to insult, to an elephant. Hey, do you guys know to kill a blue elephant? With a blue elephant gun of course! Anywai propose that this is one of the words that started out meaning one thing ( I.e, pachyderm) and eventually came to mean another. So, what other words do you know that probably had this occur to them?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


So my schedule's pretty weird. just thought someone would want to know. There is a very large percent that what will happen is that I'll write nothing the entire week, and then on Sunday or Saturday, I'll bring out four new posts. I'm sorry. That's just how my life seems to work.
now that that annoying stuff is over, i can get to want it is that i had wanted to talk about. weird ad annoying schedules. here in the "magical" land of America (I say this only becaise i have several international viewers), schedules are based on a week to weekend set up, with a 14 awake 10 asleep sleep cycle. its weird. really weird. expecially since the human body is designed to work better on a 24/12 awake/asleep cycle. That makes more sense. In fact, over the summer, I decided to try a sleep cycle like that, I felt better and more rested then I've ever felt before. If its possible for you to have a sleep cycle like a 24/12 awake/asleep cycle. If not, then fight tr chains of society, and deny this mortal coil, become immortal. Either way, the main thing to take away from this post is that I'll be posting more on Sunday than any other week.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Parkour Fashion Ninjas

Okay. The other day in Target: the entity known as me was located close to the televisions. I was looking in that general direction, when a commercial came on. Now... I am being completely serious. Absolutely and entirely serious. Okay. It was about Parkour fashion ninjas. I'm not joking. I am absolutely and entirely serious. Good God I hate corporate America. Any hooty and the blowfish; a group of people we're running around an urban environment, flipping over people's shoulders and suddenly, with (magic), changing their "boring" outfits into something preppy and fashionable. What on earth has this world come to?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Power Rangers on iPhones

You know how the power rangers these days always seem to use a cell phone like device? Well imagine what it would be like if they used iPhones:
"Alright everyone, let's get this baddy! POWER RANGER APP, ACTIVATE!"
...that's a great childhood memory absolutely destroyed. Now before you decide to rally together and murder me, I'm going to say good bye.



\ aw-skuhl-TEY-shuhn \  , noun;

The act of listening to sounds within the body as a method of diagnosis.
Woman: What do you think?
Doctor: in my professional opinion, you're a little flat. 
All jokes aside, this isn't really a serious matter. It's really just one of the little things that makes me laugh (ha ha ha). It's interesting though, how people always seem to think that they know whats going on, just by sound? That we have such a secure idea on what is going on in our body. We are the commander of everything, and the masters of nothing.

Poetry with JD: With Wings Unfurled

Sky is above
Earth is below
But we have no place to go

Be it desert, be it seas
Or be it in betwixt trees
We're locked in a room without the keys

On this bit of dirt so curled
We each live on
Knowing only our world

But we keep expanding
Like it or not
just like water, in a boiling pot

When I look up to sky
Whether day or night
I wish we had the gift of flight

For if we could soar
We could leave this sad world
And live in the sky, wings unfurled

This I do think
As I lay down to bed
These thoughts aloft, and free in my head

And then when I sleep
I dream of the sky
And in my dream, I soar and fly

Shot into my world
into flight I am hurled
And then I take off, with wings unfurled.
(c) JD Galuardi 2008

Camping with JD - Part 1

This past weekend i had gone camping in the state of PA. on this campout, I went on a hike that brought me up and down a mountain. but that's not so important. what's important (really I mean relative to the subject at hand) is that in the middle of the hike, there was this meadow. Now, when I have been to this meadow before, it's always been clear and nice and a beautiful day and such. Not this time. Nope. This time it was snowing, and there was snow on the ground. The snow in the air made it so that in combination with the sky of clouds, there was no seeing anything past about 100 yards on the mountain. but when I got down to the bottom of the mountain and back to my campsite, I found that the same property of the sky earlier was gone, even though the snow was still falling (and there wasn't but a 10 minute walk back to the site from the meadow). It's really weird that a change in altitude of about 200 feet could change the conditions of the sky. But other than that, it was a really cold and gray camping trip. 

SEE YOU NEXT TIME ON "Camping with JD"!

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Sincerely (home and warm again),


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