Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Poetry with JD - Tears

This is for anyone who cried today

Why do you hold tears in you eyes?
They ripple and warp your beautiful gaze
Why is sorrow carved on you lips?
Without the light of your smile, I shan't see for days
Why do you speak no more?
Without your voice, I'm lost with no hope

Please bring back the sun
Bring back the moon, the stars
Or just help me find them
Wherever they are

I'll seek them out
Searching day and night
Going where I must go
Fighting off all your frights

For if there's one thing I truly fear
It's to see you, see you sad
And that's a sight I can't stand
So bring back the joy I know you once had

So please, no more pain
No hiding from fears
Proudly face the world
And she'd no more tears


Attention Duelists! (Nathan)

Did you know that whenever there's a website the allows people to communicate with each other, you often find that a community (hmm, communicate, community, wonder how that works?) is formed. And after five months of doing this blogging thing, I have assimilated into the Blogger community. And now to the topic of my rant. I have a friend named Nathan, who has his own blog on this site. And now a link to said blog.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What Should I Be Writing?

So i have no idea of which it is im going to speak of tonight, but that simoly because I have nothing all to important to say. Ever wonder why the most of the cutlery that i find in stores are poorly balanced knifes? Im not the only one who believe that if you can throw a knife, its not a good knife? Think about this: if you dont have a well balanced knife, then you'll have some problems with the precision of your cut. See? That's not all that interesting! And I want to write interesting things! So, I have come with a solution. I want you guys, yes you, in the back row with the face and the body (unless you don't have either of those, which can't be good), to tell me what you think I should write about. For example, I've been wanting to do a science mini series, but I'm not sure what to start with. So, it's up to you.

Poetry with JD: Sweet Death

Thou knowest not
Whom i may be
Thou cannot learn
The things i see
For i know the Earth
The truths it keeps
I feel the scythe
As cold death reaps
Thou shant pry into my mind
For a terror lairs that never tires
That steals the soul with a glare
Amd rips the heart of all desires
The hedonism of sweet death
The debauchary of the end
The begging for pain
Untenable to that which the evil send
So hide your heart
A guard your soul
The darkness is here
Marking out what it will dole

Friday, May 25, 2012

Happy Birthday Star Wars

That's right! 35 years ago to the day, the epic chronicle that is Star Wars was brought into the eyes of the public! And in honor of the movie series, and books, and video games, merchandise, fanboy/girl/its, and pretty much anything that is Star Wars, I'm going to review/critique the movies, one each day, over the next week, starting... Tomorrow. Because tonight I party like it's 1977.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


1. Inheriting or determining descent through the female line.
Didn't know there was a word for that. But then again there's a fear that somewhere somehow a duck is watching you. Not kidding. But I digress. This day (as in today) is mother's day (in case you didn't know). And this is the word of the day. Hmm. I sense a connection. This is like all of the mother's day stuff in the comics in the paper, only worse. Because, honestly how many people look for the word of the day. Other than me. Or the people who read this. Never mind.

Happy Mothers Day!

Attention all humans! It's Mother's Day. So get off the computer, and give your mom a call, a card, a hug. Just acknowledge the fact that she carried you around in her belly for nine months.

Camping with JD - part 4

I'm a Billy Goat! This weekend I hike from High Rock to the spot where I-70 meets the Appalachian Trail. It was great, even though I almost passed out from dehydration on Saturday. So I want to take this time to explain the dangers of heat exhaustion. DRINK WATER. LOTS AND LOTS OF WATER. IF YOU'RE NOT PEEING CLEAR, THEN YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG. IF SOMEONE IS MUMBLING OR SLURRING THEIR WORDS, IF THEY'RE STUMBLING, IF THEY HAVE A HEADACHE, OR THEY'RE CRANKY. THEM THEY. ARE. DEHYDRATED. GIVE THEN WATER. now.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I'm Scared

The world is full of mentally derranged people. I was showing one of my friends my blog, and instead of even looking at the posts, he immediatly went down to the fish app I have at the bottom of the page and started playing with it. Here's another example: in my english class the other day, a girl was acting absolutely insane. She was constantly laughing, paying no attention to the work. it turns out she had drunk so much coffee that she was quivering with energy. This examples is pretty scary. I was in the downtown section of the city I live in, and there, I saw a man pick up cat, and sniffed it. I wasn't even his cat. It was walking down the street, and the man just picked it up and sniffed it. Stay in school kids.