Monday, April 23, 2012

Camping with JD - Part 3

The Appalachian Trail is a beautiful trail. I love it, as well as my backpack. I love south mountain, I love my boots, I love my walking stick. I HATE MY FEET! After this weekend, I was ready to chop them off. Now I'm going to fall asleep until tomorrow. But anyway. I, thus previous weekend went on a 17 mile backpacking trip, which started in Dalhgren Camp ground, and ended at Harpers Ferry. Man that was fun.

Friday, April 20, 2012

National Silence Day


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Disney: Animal Kingdom

Had to pack up today, and felt sad about it the entire time. Then I went to Animal Kingdom. We first went on Expedition Everest, and then went straight to Dinoland U.S.A, where we:
A) rode Dinosaur (twice)
B) rode Dinorama (twice)
C) ate lunch (not twice)
D) killed a diplodocus in front of a group of harmless little kids.
All in all, I have to say that it was a pretty good day.

Disney: Hollywood Studios

So I went to Hollywood studios, rode the rockin' roller coaster, what cool explosion (twice), shook the doubles hand, got AWESOME Nightmare Before Christmas drumsticks. And generally had a good time. Then, when I got back to the resort, I learned how to play Mau (the hard way).

Monday, April 16, 2012

Disney: Epcot

Epcot. Is. Amazing? No. Fantastic? No. Indescribable? Yes. As well as a mine rich in comedy ore. I cracked so many jokes about the world showcase that I heard other people starting tell them. I also learned what fra diavolo means. If you want to know, there's this thing called google translate. Then we walked back and forth across the world. I don't see why going around the world in 80 days was such a challenge, I did it in less that an hour. But we didn't get to do Soarin', and I didn't do Test Track, but that's because the other two members of my party had never been on Test Track before, and the line for Soarin' was longer than (not so) Great Wall of Dishes.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Disney: Magic Kingdom

First off; WAAAAAAAAAAHHHH! Disney World! Oh my god, it is amazing here. The fireworks, the rides, the food. It is beautiful. Now, here's a run down of my day in the park Magic Kingdom. We started with going to pirates of the caribbean, and then we went to space mountain. Following space mountain, we hit the laugh floor. After the laugh floor, we had lunch at the terrace restaurant in tomorrowland. From there, we went to do splash mountain (twice), and then the teacups. By that time, we had to go get ready for the parade, but it was a great day. Let me give you a hint. Don't wear knew shoes when you're at Disney. It will cause your feet to murder you. With shards of glass. By stabbing you in the abdomen. 23 times.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

College Essay

This is a college essay that I wrote.

Option #4. Describe a character in fiction, a historical figure, or a creative work (as in art, music, science, etc.) that has had an influence on you, and explain that influence.

A character from fiction that has seriously influenced me would have to be Drizzt Do'urden, a character from R.A. Salvatore's the Legend of Drizzt. This character came from a society where females are dominant, and males can never get anywhere in the power structure. The whole society of the subterranean city is based on the worship of an evil goddess of spiders and chaos, causing her followers to weave webs of intrigue and betrayal. The race that Drizzt is, is as a fact evil, however Drizzt is not. Drizzt throws off the cloak of his past and travels the tunnels of the Underdark, a vast network of caves and tunnels. There, he finds the evil inside him, but suppresses it. He works his way to the surface, where he finds a group of friends. They go through many hardships, and grow so close. All the time Drizzt is finding out the truths of his own being. He goes through the discovery of the physical embodiment of what he would have become if he stayed back in the city of his birth in the form of a human assassin named Artemis Enteri, he finds love with his friend and eventual wife Cattie-Bre, and feels the deep pain of death and loss with the death of one of his closest friends Wulfgar, but all along this journey, he drives himself with a set of unshakeable morals, much of which I have adopted. With each new part of each book (they're divided into chapters and parts) Drizzt seems to discover a new part of himself, or comes more to terms with the world around him. He has influenced me not only in the way of me reading all of his currently 30 books, but he also gave to me a structure out of the chaos. Because of him, I accept death as a fact, not a fear. He taught me not to just plan for the future but be in and treasure each moment, because whether we're on this earth for a thousand years or just one, each moment, memory, person, place, each sunrise, is worth more than the gold of a dragons horde.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Yes it's fun. Yeah it's great. That is correct, my feet are killing me. I just came back from an eight mile hike (yea that's not too big) with unbroken in boots and no fuel in my tank. Still I averaged a speed of about 2 miles per hour. But that isn't why I'm writing this particular post. No, I'm writing it to raise awareness of the horribly debilitating disease that is rabies. I'm kidding, and at the same time trying not to be insensitive. If you have rabies, I send my sympathy on a telegram wire, but just do friendly advice; if you have rabies, why are you reading a blog? You should be seeking out medical attention. Immediately.


Omnia nunc iterum in locum vel tempus elit tenui infirmaque esse intellegant me facit. Et diligere affectum. Ratio esse videtur cum ad me non sum omnibus aliis rebus mundi. Donec ipsum humilitate ad infimum reduci psychologice Ant. Aliquando in vita sua quisque sentiat. Absolute fantastic. Sic scandere montem. Vigilate caligine LABOR super lacus in mane horas de mane. Respice super deserto. Vide quam in unam arborem herba. Pulchra est mundus, sic egrediens spectemus. In te potest ius in iterum et legitur magis blog postes.